May 30th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 26/5/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 12.00a.m.-3.00p.m.

Venue: Main Hall

Attendance: 92.31% (48/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Cheah Phaik Hoon

Today is a special day to everyone.

We had the Merentas Desa 2018, and also had a dance workshop in this year.

In the morning, 4 of the ajks were leading all the students and participants to warm up first before starting to run.

After that, we had an activity with all the afternoon session students at around 12p.m.. That’s is Hip Hop lesson which leaded by Yi-concept! ! !

Everyone was in high spirits when the dance lesson was starting. We learned the basic of the Hip Hop dance together until 1.15p.m..

After having a lunch, all of the members and some participants continued to learn more street dance techniques from Yi-concept on the workshop.

We learned a song, that is “We don’t talk anymore”, it is an urban dance.

Everyone tried their best to catch up because its rhythm is fast.

We finished our workshop successfully!

Everyone was on cloud nine because we learned a lot of professional and useful urban dance from Yi-concept.

I hope that everyone can memorise and learn a lot, our own dance skills can be improved through this workshop! ! !

May 21st, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 21/4/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 80.77% (42/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Siti Hawa

Unconsciously, we already got the ninth meeting. In this meeting, our president taught us a song that is heartbeat from Tik Tok (抖音).

This song is very popular and the dance is choreographed by our president! ! We felt very shocked about that because this choreography is nice but short.

After that, we were separated into different groups and we need to create our own dances with the different songs from Tik Tok (抖音). All of us were very exciting while listening to the songs chosen.

We had a leader in each group, everyone was having fun when we discussed about our choreography in a short time around 15 minnutes.

At 11.45a.m., each group performed in front of every member.

Finally, one of the group who dance 海草歌 won with a pack of snacks, Twister.

In this meeting, we felt very interesting because the president gave us a chance to choreograph our own songs. This is a precious chance and time to everyone.

I really hope that our club can produce more innovation opportunities for all of the club members. So that the members won’t feel boring and can have a chance to ourselves ! !

Take more CHANCES, dance more DANCES ! ! !

April 23rd, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 21/4/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 51.92% (27/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

We referred again the song of last week, that is 等你下课 by 周杰伦.

Before that, we warmed up together.

After that, the president leaded us to refer again the dance steps of last week.

Then, our president taught us the following steps of this song.

Everyone was cooperative to learn this song because this song is very popular.

At the end of our meeting, we separated the members into 3 group for Merdeka performance. There are Chinese dance, Malay dance and Indian dance.

Lastly, I hope all of the members can catch this chance to perform together in this year. So that we can get a memorable experience.

April 16th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 14/4/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 63.46% (33/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Siti Hawa

We learned a new dance today !!

This is a Chinese song, called 等你下课 by 周杰伦. The dance style is modern dance.

Here is the video link:

The dance moves must be strong and soft in different beats. Modern dance is difficult to control the power of dance moves but it is interesting.

Everyone is ready for the dance. Sometimes, they will sing the song together while dancing because this song is famous.

I’m glad that the dance moves of all the members were getting more and more tidy.

They also can catch the dance beats while the president was teaching the members.

I wish everyone can try to learn some new dance style and like it today.

April 9th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 7/4/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 78.85% (41/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Siti Hawa

Today, all the members took a photo together before we started to learn the dance. Everyone is cooperative.

After that, we continued to learn Russian Roulette by Red Velvet.

All the members still remembered the steps we learned last week. They can dance well and look like became more confident too.

After we learned this dance, our president was grouping the members into different groups. Each group was leaded by AJKs.

We repeated the dance and followed the tempo. AJKs corrected the mistakes of the members and taught the dance in details.

In the last 15 minutes, every group danced in front of us and were able to follow the beats.

I hope everyone can be more confident and can be yourself, creating your your style, doing the best you are!!!

April 2nd, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 31/3/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 71.15% (37/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

Fortunately, a lecturer from University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak visited us today!

The purpose she came to visit our club was to do a survey of the K-pop dance cover production project.

When the meeting was started, we warmed up first.

After that, our president taught us step by step of the dance Russian Roulette by Red Velvet.


We practiced the dance steps again and again to make sure everyone can remember the steps easily.


Everyone practiced well and be discipline to show that our club image was good.

All AJKs involved in performing a dance to all the members and lecturer. The songs we danced were Russian Roulette by Red Velvet and Bboom Bboom by Momoland.


At the end of the meeting, she shared her dancing experiences to all of us. Those experiences were precious and they will help us to learn more about dancing.

After we had a interview with the lecturer, we took a photo together.

We were very thankful that the lecturer chose our club to do the survey of the K-pop dance cover project. Today was a memorable and precious day to all of us.

Opportunity is always reserved for people who are prepared. So, we will be better and better to make more opportunities to ourselves!

March 24th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 24/3/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Today, all AJKs involved to clean up our AVA after the dance practice.

Before that, we tidied up all the costumes and separated them into different bags.

After that, our AVA studio looked more spacious.

This cleaning activity was to make all the members feel comfortable when they practice at our studio.

I hope that all the members can take care of our AVA and learn the dance very well here!

March 11th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 10/3/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 76.92% (40/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

We continue learning Peek A Boo today.

Everyone still remembered the dance although it was almost one month after we learned this song.

Besides, we learned a new dance. This dance was used to take a dance cover with all the members together. The dance is cute and it is easy for us to learn it.

Everyone was interested to join us to take a dance cover on this coming Saturday. Please looking forward to our dance cover, it is coming soon!!!

Hope every member can enjoy yourself in every meeting and dance practice!!!

February 11th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 10/2/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 75% (39/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

Today, our president taught us a new dance,that is Peek A Boo by Red Velvet.

Everyone was excited when the song was played. We had a lot of fun together while learning this song.

Here is a dance cover of this song by EAST2WEST dance crew: 

Do check it out!

“peekaboo”的图片搜索结果“peekaboo dance”的图片搜索结果

Thanks to all members who attended the meeting today, I hope everyone have fun today and the following meetings in the future. Let us dance again and again, never stop dancing!!!

February 1st, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 27/1/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 71.15% (37/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Cheah Phaik Hoon

This was our second meeting.

Firstly, we started to warm up together.

Then, we continued to learn the Boom Clap dance this week.

All members were divided into different groups to practice.

Every group was leaded by a AJK.

Everyone still remembered the dance we learnt last week and enjoyed dancing.