February 11th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 10/2/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 75% (39/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

Today, our president taught us a new dance,that is Peek A Boo by Red Velvet.

Everyone was excited when the song was played. We had a lot of fun together while learning this song.

Here is a dance cover of this song by EAST2WEST dance crew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-3nhk2Y5bs 

Do check it out!

“peekaboo”的图片搜索结果“peekaboo dance”的图片搜索结果

Thanks to all members who attended the meeting today, I hope everyone have fun today and the following meetings in the future. Let us dance again and again, never stop dancing!!!

3 Responses to “Third Meeting (10/2/18)”

  1. I love the song very much. I’m so happy that I can learn how dance this song.

  2. Thanks ya,we still can continue to learn this song next meeting!!!

  3. Glad that there are members who enjoy dancing it 🙂

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