April 23rd, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 21/4/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 51.92% (27/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

We referred again the song of last week, that is 等你下课 by 周杰伦.

Before that, we warmed up together.

After that, the president leaded us to refer again the dance steps of last week.

Then, our president taught us the following steps of this song.

Everyone was cooperative to learn this song because this song is very popular.

At the end of our meeting, we separated the members into 3 group for Merdeka performance. There are Chinese dance, Malay dance and Indian dance.

Lastly, I hope all of the members can catch this chance to perform together in this year. So that we can get a memorable experience.

One Response to “Eighth Meeting (21/4/18)”

  1. Thanks to the members as they improve a lot since the first meeting!

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