March 5th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 3/3/18 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Teacher Advisor: Puan Cheah Phaik Hoon

Our school was having Pre-Sale and also mini concert today. There were having two groups of modern dance performance in our club. There were Bboom Squad and X-plosion. We paid a lot of effort and time on our performances. Everyone is looking forward to our performances and enjoying them today! ! !

This is Bboom Squad that formed by Form 2 and Form 4 seniors.

This is X-plosion that formed by Form 3 seniors.

Thanks to everyone that involved in the mini concert’s performances today !

Today’s mini concert was a memorable and precious experience to us. We learned how to prepare the performance ourselves and became closer to each other. Let us work harder together to perform more and enjoy ourselves in the future! Our club is powerful! ! !

February 11th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 10/2/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 75% (39/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Priyatharshini

Today, our president taught us a new dance,that is Peek A Boo by Red Velvet.

Everyone was excited when the song was played. We had a lot of fun together while learning this song.

Here is a dance cover of this song by EAST2WEST dance crew: 

Do check it out!

“peekaboo”的图片搜索结果“peekaboo dance”的图片搜索结果

Thanks to all members who attended the meeting today, I hope everyone have fun today and the following meetings in the future. Let us dance again and again, never stop dancing!!!

February 1st, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Please be noted that we are having practice next Tuesday. Every F1, F2 and F4 members must attend. Those who absent please hand in your letter by putting it in our studio’s letter file.

Date: 06/02/2018 Tuesday
Time: 10.30a.m. till 12.00p.m.
Venue: PJK studio
Attire: Club t-shirt/PJK t-shirt with leggings/PJK pants

*Remember to change back your white shirt and pinafore after practice.*
Have fun 🙂

February 1st, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 27/1/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 71.15% (37/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Cheah Phaik Hoon

This was our second meeting.

Firstly, we started to warm up together.

Then, we continued to learn the Boom Clap dance this week.

All members were divided into different groups to practice.

Every group was leaded by a AJK.

Everyone still remembered the dance we learnt last week and enjoyed dancing.

February 1st, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Date: 20/1/2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10.30a.m.-12.00p.m.

Venue: PJK studio

Attendance: 73.08% (38/52)

Teacher Advisor: Puan Cheah Phaik Hoon

Welcome every junior to become a part of our club this year!!!

This was our first meeting and we introduced ourselves to know each other.

After that, we warmed up to prevent any injuries. Then, we started to learn the dance.

We learned the first song that led by our president.

The song was Boom Clap from 1 Million Dance Studio.

Everyone tried their best to follow the beat and enjoyed learning this song.

I hope all the club’s members can learn more dance skill in our club in the future!!!

January 20th, 2018 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

GIRLS, as a president, I am glad as there are 19 Form 1’s newbies joining our club and becoming part of our team! Today is the first meeting and I truly hope everyone can enjoy yourself and love KBT! I wish I get to know everyone of you well in this year and make our team better!

December 8th, 2017 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Well done, girls!! 😍😘We won prize again in the school’s blog competition. Our vice president, Chee Loo represented our club, receiving the certificate in the 2017 prize ceremony of school. Hence, I sincerely hope that our club AJKs can give full cooperation in the following years and make everything possible 👌👍💪👣

December 7th, 2017 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

2017年11月24日 (星期五) 是第三十届拿督斯里许廷忠杯全檳舞蹈观摩会。今年,本校文化舞蹈学会派了由17个下午班会员所组成的团队——春风参赛;参赛歌曲为家喻户晓的福建民谣——望春风。话说,此项比赛是由檳州舞蹈协会主办和檳州艺术文化古迹委员会汇华机构拿督斯里许廷忠赞助。目的则是为了发扬文化舞蹈。这次有13支中学组舞蹈队伍参与,赛况十分激烈。当天,本校舞蹈员下午两点在学校大厅集合,共车出发前往比赛地点——檳州大会堂。相信大家心里都非常忐忑紧张,也很兴奋。抵达后,我们先聚集在外面等候彩排的时间。到了下午四时,我们移至主办当局为我们准备的休息室开始梳妆打扮。下午五时多时,老师替我们准备了晚饭。饭后,继续补妆,做好一切准备。上台前我们也不忘了在老师的监督下练习几遍。我们是第五支上场的。上场时,大家都很紧张但仍然表现得淋漓尽致。在一些状况下,大家都不慌,依旧保持着那张灿烂的笑容好好地享受这五分钟的舞台。其他学校的舞蹈队伍当然也不逊色,各队都非常出色。在成绩揭晓时,身为舞蹈团的一份子,我非常紧张,耐心地在台下等待。果然,努力终究会有成果的,我们名副其实地为学校荣获了金奖。大家都很满意,开心。回想起大家从年头到比赛来临的练习,付出,泪水,一切都值得。台上五分钟,台下十年功。这次的成绩要谢谢我们教练的教导和耐心,老师的劝说和付出及团员们的努力和纪律。当然,我们仍有很大的进步空间。在纪律和技巧上面,我们得加强。檳华女子中学文化舞蹈学会,加油!!



搞怪的合照 😛

Form 4 的团员

Form 2 的团员

副主席与 Form 2 的团员

副主席与 Form 1 的团员





November 17th, 2017 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

It was our club’s farewell and the members were sad that the Form 5s are leaving. That day, we enjoyed our lunch at the korean restaurant “Hana Cafe” located at Tanjung Bungah. The Form 5s shared their thoughts to us and they hoped that we will continue love dancing. Although they are not with us anymore, we will miss the moments we dance and practice together. Memories never fade! The favourite part of this farewell was the beach as we took a lot of pics along the beach which was nearby. We built sandcastles and splashed the sea water. The sun was scorching but we were on cloud nine! We made sure that every members were safe too. There are some photos to share with all of you!

Thank you, seniors! BON VOYAGE!

November 17th, 2017 by Kelab Budaya Tarian

Our school organised Leadership Day for the first time! That day, there were some stalls which sold a variety of food and cuisines while there was a mini concert too! The mini concert was held in the school hall. Some parents came here to support our students and enjoyed the fascinating performances performed by our talented students. Exactly, our club members performed our indian dance “Let’s Nacho” and had a round of applause from the audiences. We worked hard and been through the hard time together. Hence, we enjoyed tremendously and had a whale of time there.

KBT is the BEST!